
Baby Boy Week ~ Petit Garçon! Featuring baparsell!

These are toooooo cute ~ trés mignon. We came across yet another Etsy shop that seems to take creativity ~imagination to another level! We introduce you to baparsell. As a husband and wife ~ mari et femme team, they live a natural lifestyle ~ mode de vie naturel and create these fabulous hats ~chapeaux ! They customize too- so you can choose your color and size; newborn and up!

One is better then the next that I just had to show you more then one. And I had such a hard time picking out these, so just go and visit their shop ~ visiter leur magasin so you can see the whole selection. Not only for the boys ~ les garçons, there are so many for girls ~ filles too, like the strawberry ~ fraise hat...oh so divine!

And the tomato...oh, I could go on and on! Look at all of the detail on the cupcakes ~petits gâteaux , they look identical to a real on and must look adorable on your little one's head!

Visit often for more great finds (hopefully daily) and feel free to send a comment. We love to hear from you! Thanks for coming!


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